Lindsey Starts Blogging, for Better or Worse

Posted by Lindsey Friedman on Wednesday, January 27th, 2016 at 11:00am.

Real Estate Blog Lindsey Friedman CHRWhen I was introduced to the concept of blogging years ago I perceived it basically in the same vein as Facebook—blah blah blah. A way in which self-absorbed people thrust themselves out into the world, at least behind a computer, with a delusional belief that lots of other people care what they thought about a particular topic (aside from immediate family, of course, and even then, debatable).

I have a refreshed view of blogging now, having started reading some and finding my favorite bloggers. These blogs are some of the most spot-on, poignant, entertaining writing I’ve ever read. Don’t get me wrong, there are some really bad blogs too but let’s face it, time is limited and if I don’t have time to read a whole book then the least I can do is tap into the writer’s blog or a Ted Talk to get some brief flashes of genius. And since I don’t have a platform from which to do public speaking (that’s okay really), blogging is the way I’m going to go. Besides, not too sure how real estate chatter would capture the audience through a Ted Talk format.

After much soul searching, I’ve arrived at the notion that blogging might be a good fit for me because…

  1. I’m still a teacher at heart—I have spent most of my adult professional life consulting, leading educating.
  2. I’m a real estate geek—I love to research neighborhoods, market trends, make predictions (hypotheses? Who knew I was a scientist?)
  3. I love writing—it is the way in which I make meaning for myself. The challenge: My “critical friends,” those uber super smart, savvy people whom I love and trust say I’m longwinded and lengthy in my writing—so, I’m pressing myself to KEEP IT BRIEF. I see it as journaling, which I did for years, with a brief hiatus since my first boy was born- man, do I need journaling even more now!

So, what will these pearls of wisdom include?

You know, stuff about the real estate market, how to increase the value of your home, tips and tricks to keep in mind while your selling or buying, neighborhood spotlights, but then maybe some more right brain stuff, assuming I have some creativity left in me, after living in the left brain so much!

By reading the blogs, you may even end up knowing more about real estate than your own agent! Kudos!


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